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Assassins Creed Chronicles-India

Assassin's Creed Chronicles -India Highly Compressed Only 15-M.B By CompressedKingPcGamer (No Survey/With Password)

Assassin’s Creed Chronicles India PC Game is set in 19th century Colonial India.  The story revolves around Arbaaz as he sets-off on his quest for retribution.

With Assassin’s Creed Chronicles India PC Game experience the thrill of being a stealthy assassin and showcase your fighting talents. Zip-line across Amritsar, hunt legendary artifacts and learn to use the new double kill move. Discover all-new gear of Assassin such as the chakram (circular throwing weapon) and talwar (curved sword) to deal with great damage and interacting with the environment.

Also unlock numerous challenge rooms with brand new challenge mode as your abilities will be pushed to their limits by making you go
through a complex sequence of obstacle course. So head off to assassinate in an exciting new game experience!

System Requirements

Ram 2GB

Graphics Card 512Mb Minimum

Os Windows 7,8,8.1,10 (64-Bit)

Space 4GB
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