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Back with pictures

So as I said I am back. But text isn't really what you're here to see now is it? You're here to see some 1/72 scale models. So I shall deliver. Here is what I have completed since I have been back. Some 18th century Oronegrean troops, civilians and a bull. So onto the models!

This officer is the first figure to be painted since I got back, maybe my first in almost a year.

I must confess that despite my love of the modern/near future period figures from this earlier time a more rewarding because of the details.

although to be fair this does make them a real pain to paint. But it is worth it.

Finally here we have the next member of my Oronegrean family started so long ago.

I'm quite happy with how this figure turned out despite how rusty I feel with my painting

A drummer, I finished this one off this morning. Glad I chose that pink and light blue for my officers and musicians

This guy I just finished earlier this morning

Another member of my little family. This is Fernando, above is his mother Maria

this just leaves eldest daughter Sophia and second youngest son Alberto to paint.

Oh and a bull. A fighting bull. I found it very hard to tell if I was finished. Given it is basically all black how do you tell?
Well that is enough of the completed figures. How about a couple of shots of where I am working? Below are some pics of the garage where I do my painting.

Your eyes do not deceive you that is the hull of a new model ship on the left there

Chaos best describes this but out of this chaos new figs shall rise!
Well that is all from this post hopefully I'll get a few more figs done soon. That boat should be done before I go back to Uni. Perhaps I may even start another BIG one. I already have a name for my upcoming vessel and as usual it is from one of my followers.

Anyway to you all a good night/day and a happy new year!

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