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Malta 1565

Hi Gents,
It really has been a long time since I have found the time to post been really busy with work but the collection still grows at a pace. Figures have been added to Napoleonic/ Renaissance /AWI and  Medieval over the last year below are some pics of my growing Wars of Religion collection more of these with Dave Jarvis at present.

These Janissary are a mix of Essex Redoubt and Tag

Some of the warlord wars of religion figures

Cardinal becomes a Knight

These were painted over a year ago by Dave

The cannon were painted by James Roach

Still a long way to go with this collection

A Dixon figure with arms out stretched

Redoubt Janissary conversion mounted

Able to recycle some of my Crusade Clerics

Warlord Knights

These were the old Arsenal range still a few bits to be released.

So there we have it the first post in a long time I hope to get the time to show off some more in the near future.
Best wishes

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