Been casting up some more 40mm SYW using Prince August molds and whilst rummaging around my wargaming storage area (that sounds rather grand - actually a bunch of old cardboard boxes ) I came across 3 bags of Old Glory 15mm Napoleonics . I must have had these about 10 years and I think my original plan was to replace my then 15mm army with Old Glory - but as I have sold my 15mm armies I have no use for them, so I thought should I melt them down ?. My wargaming colleague 'A' was somewhat alarmed at this deliberate vandalism of perfectly good figures and I must admit it was a bit strange tipping them into the melting pot , but I rationalised this with the idea that they are finally being used - if in a rather different form . Having broken this taboo I have started scouring my lead mountain for other figures that can be cannibalised . Below some of the fruits of my labours.
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