Been casting up some more 40mm SYW using Prince August molds and whilst rummaging around my wargaming storage area (that sounds rather grand - actua…
DevamıOver the past couple of weeks I not only managed to finish off a four stand unit of irregular Cossacks but also had a great time playing a setoff rul…
DevamıThe big rodent (rockchuck) is back eating my garden. My wife had tried to block his exit from a rock pile by rolling boulders over all the holes. &q…
DevamıHi Gents, It really has been a long time since I have found the time to post been really busy with work but the collection still grows at a pace. Fig…
DevamıWhen a great Eastern Emperor came to the philosopher-priestess Aristoclea for relief from pain accompanied by terrible visions she told him that she …
DevamıThe paint is drying, everything is based. Full army ready for Blog Wars. I'll be in Warhammer World tomorrow from about 12, then will head to Mae…
DevamıTHE REARGUARD Our latest club game was based on the Table Top Teaser in issue 12 of Battlegames by Charles Grant. Our game was set in the Peninsular …